Penny Heyns: Committing to Your Craft

2020 Momentum gsport Awards ambassador, Penny Heyns, attributes her success to the commitment and dedication that she invested in every aspect of her career. In her second column of the #gsport15 campaign, Heyns speaks about the importance of going the extra mile to fulfil your purpose.

Celine Abrahams Leading the Coverage of Women’s Sport

As #YouthMonth draws to a close, we shine the spotlight on gsport Content Creator, Celine Abrahams, as she celebrates one year of telling the positive story of women in sport with gsport. She tells Kass Naidoo about her ambition to travel the world and tell great sport stories.

Wonder Woman: Babies Part Two: “Creating the Future”

    It’s so easy to focus on getting things sorted for your newborn, that its easy to neglect your own needs. In her second article in gsport’s three-part Baby Series, Sharon Plaskitt looks at the importance of taking care of yourself while pregnant.