Lauren Agenbag makes history becoming the first female to be promoted to the CSA Elite Umpires Panel, adding to her already blossoming profile both locally and internationally, as Cricket South Africa announce their match officials list for the 2023/24 season on Wednesday, 28 June.
Agenbag will join the country’s most illustrious umpires, the likes of Allahudien Paleker and Bongani Jele, on the panel.
Other notable promotions include the inclusion of a second female on the list, Kerrin Klaaste, who is promoted to the CSA Reserve Umpires Panel.
“We would like to congratulate all our umpires on their deserved appointments for the forthcoming season,” commented Director of Cricket Enoch Nkwe.
“Umpires are central to the game of cricket and we at CSA are fortunate to have an extremely competent group of match officials.
“I would like extend special praise for Lauren Agenbag, who continues to raise her profile and with it fly the flag of all women. Her promotion to the Elite Panel is a major accomplishment and huge inspiration for all young women out there hoping to pursue a career in cricket. We are really proud of her.”