Tennis Emerges Triumphant at Rising Star Tennis Finals
Oranje Meisieskool emerges as champions in the girls’ division of the BNP Paribas RCS Rising Star Tennis finals on Sunday
Queenstown Girls’ High Land SPAR Hockey Title
Queenstown Girls’ High School has won the East London Inland leg of the SPAR Eastern Cape Schoolgirls Hockey Challenge in King William’s Town, beating Kingsridge in King William’s Town on Sunday.
Woodridge Hold Off Collegiate in Hockey Thriller
Woodridge has beaten Collegiate to win the PE Central leg of the SPAR Eastern Cape Schoolgirls Hockey Challenge, at Alexander Road in Port Elizabeth on Sunday
Kingsridge Geared up for Tough Hockey Challenge
Kingsridge will be aiming for their fourth straight title in the East London Inland leg of the SPAR Eastern Cape Schoolgirls Hockey Challenge in Kingwilliamstown on Sunday.
Alexander Road set for Hockey Title Defence
Alexander Road will be hoping to take their momentum from recent schools matches into the PE Central leg of the SPAR Eastern Cape Schoolgirls Hockey Challenge on Sunday.