No. 1 Son Weary of Nomads SA Girls Golf Champs Competition

Womens Golf SA No. 1 junior Woo-Ju Son sees stiff competition in Kajal Mistry among a strong junior contingent at the Nomads SA Girls Championship at Orkney Golf Club 2-4 July
Clovelly GC Hosts 2007 IPT
Defending champions Gauteng will be up against tough competition in the A Section of the Pick ‘n Pay Inter-Provincial Golf Championship, which takes place at Clovelly Golf Club in Cape Town from 4-7 September.
Ashleigh Storms to 2nd Rnd Lead
Round two of the 2007 Sanlam SA Amateurs Championship at the magnificent George Golf Course contrasted sharply for the two tournament favourites, as day 1 leader Kelli Shean disappointed to close with a two-over par 74, while defending champion Ashleigh Simon scorched home with a red-hot seven-under par 65.
SA Amateurs Round 1 Scores
Defending Champion Ashleigh Simon shot a reasonable first-round 1-under par 71 to stay in contention for the 2007 Sanlam SA Amateurs at the George Golf Club on Sunday, but it was Kelli Shean who took a three-shot lead, signing for a four-under 68, and putting good numbers behind her ambitions of a good performance in […]