Williams Wins NW Champs

Three Gauteng North players shined at the recent North West Championship, which was won by Kim Williams who played solid golf over 36-holes on the lengthened Orkney Golf Course, to taste her first victory of the season.

Practice Day before IPT Starts

The national Pick ‘n Pay Golf Inter-Provincial Championship returns to the tournament birthplace tomorrow in Cape Town at the Clovelly Golf Club for its 10th birthday, and ends in a Prize-Giving evening on Friday, 7 September.

Clovelly GC Hosts 2007 IPT

  Defending champions Gauteng will be up against tough competition in the A Section of the Pick ‘n Pay Inter-Provincial Golf Championship, which takes place at Clovelly Golf Club in Cape Town from 4-7 September.  

Astounding Ash Wins Third Double

The amazing, record-setting Ashleigh Simon blew away the opposition to win the Sanlam South African Match Play Championship at George Golf Club for the third time, breaking another record and making history once again.

New Report
