Welcoming 2023: The Year of Women’s Sport

gsport Founder, Kass Naidoo, looks ahead to 2023: The Year of Women’s Sport and shines the spotlight on the significance of #WorldCupWednesday, launched to show support for the major world events taking place in South Africa this year.

Kass Blog

gsport Editor Kass Naidoo pictured with the National Women’s Cricket team, after visiting the team at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria to share tips on how to deal with the media. 2008 is finally upon us… Happy New Year to you and your loved ones! My hope is that this New Year brings you […]

Penny Heyns: Perspective, Balance, and Dedication…

As the New Year ushers in we are offered the gift of a season for new beginnings and second chances. Last year we looked at several key components required for success. The biggest factor, however, is choice; the power to decide what you want, who you want to be and how you want to be.

Happy New Year!

After a year that saw South African women succeeding on and off the sporting fields, as women reached above their expectations and achieved things they thought they’d never experience, gsport would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a great Old Year’s Eve, and a gr8 2008!

New Report
