What Freedom Means to Bongi Msomi

Being afforded many opportunities as a netball player is something that Bongi Msomi doesn’t take for granted. South Africa is set to celebrate Freedom Day in a few days and the netball stalwart has been part of the game since she was a youngster when the country was still a new democracy. Msomi thinks that it is because of this liberty she has managed to flourish into an indomitable force within the game. All Photos: Supplied

Amidst the celebration of Freedom Day, netball icon and namesake founder of the Bongi Msomi Legacy Project, Bongi Msomi highlights the abundant opportunities women are embracing in our democratic nation. #FreedomInSport #StandTall #WCW

Celebrating Freedom Gains Since 2006

The distinguished guests who attended the launch of the gsport initiative, in Johannesburg on 1 August, 2006. Back row: Melinda Lombard, Zeena Isaacs and Nazli Thomas, (third row) Zelda van Vuuren, Cindy Grota, Marsha Marescia, Tinky Pringle, Karien Jonkheere, Liz Nicolau, (second row) Zai Khan, Hasina Kathrada, Siki Mgabadeli, Marjolein van der Stadt, Ruth Africa, (and front row) Leanne Manas, Kass Naidoo, Penny Heyns and Nothemba Madumo. Photo: gsport

In honour of #FreedomDay2022, we celebrate our democratic gains since 2006, and commit to continuing our daily work to close the visibility gap 🙌 #GoGirls #gsportAfrica #gsportGlobal

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