The distinguished guests who attended the launch of the gsport initiative, in Johannesburg on 1 August, 2006. Back row: Melinda Lombard, Zeena Isaacs and Nazli Thomas, (third row) Zelda van Vuuren, Cindy Grota, Marsha Marescia, Tinky Pringle, Karien Jonkheere, Liz Nicolau, (second row) Zai Khan, Hasina Kathrada, Siki Mgabadeli, Marjolein van der Stadt, Ruth Africa, (and front row) Leanne Manas, Kass Naidoo, Penny Heyns and Nothemba Madumo. Photo: gsport

The gsport initiative was born in August 2006, twelve years after the dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994. 

Our vision was to raise the profile of women’s sport and encourage greater corporate support for our sportswomen.

Penny Heyns Honoured


We built a website and started using social media to create hype for women’s sport through positive story telling. We also launched the gsport awards, which has since grown into an official national recognition platform for women’s sport in South Africa, drawing leading corporate partners like Momentum.

Momentum Celebrates Successful Women through the gsport Awards


Every story and every awards event since 2006 has taken us closer to our goal of playing our part to ensure the commercialisation of women’s sport.

The national theme for #FreedomDay2022 this year is “Consolidating our Democratic Gains”.

The gsport initiative has many democratic gains to celebrate including being endorsed by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture in 2015, going global in 2019 and consolidating our learnings through Henley Business School in 2021.

SRSA and gsport Announce Historic Partnership


gsport Goes Global


Henley Africa and gsport Collaborate: A Management Practice Framework to Build the Business of Women’s Sport


At the core of these successes has been our courage to trust our wings and take giant leaps to close the visibility gap. These leaps would not be possible if we didn’t work daily to build a strong foundation of support for women’s sport.

On this #FreedomDay2022, gsport recommits to its 2006 vision of raising the profile of women’s sport to encourage greater corporate support for our sportswomen.

Join the movement in support of women’s sport! Check out, follow @gsport4girls across social media and sign up for our weekly gsport newsletter.

Happy Freedom Day!


Image Caption: The distinguished guests who attended the launch of the gsport initiative, in Johannesburg on 1 August, 2006. Photo: gsport

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