uBhejaneX Entries Filling Up Rapidly

The 2019 edition of the uBhejaneX MTB Challenge in aid of rhino conservation has already set a new record entry as mountain bikers with varying abilities will be looking forward to the event

Dominant Tshwane Romp to National Netball Champs Win

Defending champs Tshwane and coach Jenny van Dyk have notched up a spectacular 6th title win in Nelson Mandela Bay on Saturday, beating Mangaung Metro 47-34 to retain the National Netball Championship trophy

Gauteng Norths Steam-Rolls Netball IPT

Gauteng North record the biggest victory of the 2014 #SPARNetballChamps beating Gauteng West by 89-16 after beating Nelson Mandela Bay 71-31 earlier in the day

New Report
