Entries for the Soweto Marathon are officially closing on Sunday, 21 October and anybody hoping to avoid penalty fees and missing out on a free T-shirt must be sure to enter on time. Entries will be taken at various locations over the weekend.
On Saturday, entries will be taken at the SABS Jacaranda City Challenge in Groenkloof, Pretoria as well as the Pick and Pay Pink Drive Women’s Walk at the FNB Stadium in Soweto.
On both Saturday, 20 October and Sunday, 21 October; entries will be taken at the Soweto VW situated at the Klipspruit Valley Road from 9am to 3pm.
After the closing date, entries for the marathon will cost R150 instead of R120 while the price for the 10km wheelchair race, the 10km elite race walk and the 10km run/walk will be R95 instead of R85.
Entry forms accompanied by a deposit slip can either be faxed to 086 773 8277 or hand delivered at the Soweto Marathon Race office at the Johannesburg Expo Centre, Office No. 35 Auditorium, Cnr Nasrec and Randshow Road at Nasrec, Johannesburg.
Forms are still available at these sport shops: The Sweatshop Dunkeld, Bedford Runner Bedfordview, Run-a-Way Sport Lynwood, Randburg Runner, Running Inn, Sportsmans Warehouse The Glen, and Orlando Community Hall. Mr Price stores nationwide accept entries.
Online entry forms are available at Enter Online and Mr Price Heroes.
Everybody entering the Soweto Marathon before the closing date will receive a T-shirt at a number collection venue nearest to you. Venues are at Pilditch Stadium in Tshwane on 31 October and 1 November and at the JHB Expo Centre situated in Nasrec on 2 and 3 November.
For more information please contact the Soweto Marathon organizing committee on 011 494 3366 or email [email protected].
The Soweto Marathon is made possible by Netcare 911 (Medical services), Road Accident Fund (Hospitality sponsor), the Johannesburg Expo Centre (venue) and the City of Johannesburg (route logistics).