Seen here: Totalsports Women’s Race entrants eagerly support PinkDrive at the 2017 event. Photo Credit: Tobias Ginsberg
The streets of Johannesburg and Cape Town will be painted pink on National Women’s Day (Thursday, 09 August 2018) when thousands of women #RunUnited at the Totalsports Women’s Race in support of PinkDrive.
The Totalsports Women’s Race proudly supports PinkDrive, a Non-Profit Company (NPC) that is committed to improving breast cancer awareness, education, and providing and offering free services to the medically uninsured across South Africa.
“PinkDrive is honoured to be part of this special event,” says Fébé Meyer, PinkDrive Marketing Manager (Randburg). “The event gives us the perfect platform to raise awareness regarding breast cancer, while spreading the message that ‘Early Detection Saves Lives’. PinkDrive offers free clinical breast examinations during the event, giving participants the opportunity to be screened. By hosting the Johannesburg and Cape Town events on National Women’s Day we are able to commemorate the women of our country in an active and fun way, while raising important awareness regarding breast cancer.”
“PinkDrive was really well supported in Johannesburg last year,” continues Meyer. “Runners made good use of our ‘Shop4Cancer’ where they could “pimp” themselves pink. We conducted 338 clinical breast examinations and are pleased to say that there were no referrals. As we are solely reliant on the goodwill of corporate organisations and individuals, the donation received from this incredible event allows us to continue delivering our breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer screening services to the medically uninsured in South Africa. Each and every participant is assisting us to make a difference. We are truly grateful to be the chosen beneficiary of the Totalsports Women’s Race.”
According to Meagan Davids, PinkDrive Mammographer (Athlone), the Totalsports Women’s Race raises awareness around breast cancer to a captive audience. “The participants are always open to receiving information from PinkDrive. They have the opportunity to share stories, while motivating and encouraging one another to be tested and to be aware of any changes in their body. We were really well supported at the 2017 event. A great amount of people came for their clinical breast examinations, others came to support our “Shop4Cancer” and some just came to share their experience with the disease.”
“Exercise is an important part of the follow-up care,” continues Davids. “To be physically active is vitally important for survivors and can play a good part in physical and emotional health. It is a good idea to include exercise that strengthens bones such as walking and jogging. The Totalsports Women’s Race is always one of the highlights on our calendar. We would like each and every participant to know that breast cancer can be cured if detected early.”
PinkDrive will be present at the Totalsports Women’s Race in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town offering FREE clinical breast examinations and educating on the importance of self- breast examinations.
Event Information: 2018 Totalsports Women’s Race
Dates & Venues:
Sunday, 22 July 2018
Durban: Kings Park Athletics Track
Thursday, 09 August 2018
Johannesburg: Mary Fitzgerald Square, Newtown
Cape Town: Grand Parade, Cape Town CBD
Entry Fee:
10km licensed runner
10km Durban unlicensed runner
R140,00 (temporary license included)
10km Johannesburg unlicensed runner
R140.00 (temporary license included)
10km Cape Town unlicensed
R155.00 (temporary license included)
Each entrant will receive a fitted Event T-shirt, a finisher’s bracelet and can look forward to an exhilarating live performance by a well-known South African artist.
Enter online at
Charity Support: The Totalsports Women’s Race proudly supports PinkDrive, a Non-Profit Company (NPC) that is committed to improving breast cancer awareness, education, and providing and offering free services to the medically uninsured across South Africa. PinkDrive will be present at the Totalsports Women’s Race in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town offering FREE clinical breast examinations and educating on the importance of self- breast examinations.
Like our Facebook page: Women’s Race / The PinkDrive
Follow us on Twitter: @womensrace, @TotalsportsSA, @thepinkdrive
Follow us on Instagram: Totalsports_SA
For more information on PinkDrive visit For further information or to enter the Totalsports Women’s Race visit
ISSUED BY: Newsport Media
ON BEHALF OF: Totalsports Women’s Race