Tennis South Africa (TSA) have updated protocols in line with Covid-19 regulations following the Level 3 announcement by South African State President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday, 28 December 2020.
Note the following in terms of tennis:
- Tennis tournaments may continue, in line with current TSA COVID-19 regulations;
- Social tennis at clubs may continue, in line with current TSA COVID-19 regulations. However, bars must be closed and players must reserve court times. No social gatherings are permitted i.e. braais or social activities off court;
- Tennis coaching activities may continue, in line with current TSA COVID-19 regulations;
- Tennis venues must not open before 06:00 and need to close by 20:00 – due to the revised curfew regulations;
- Tennis venues must have a COVID-19 compliance officer on site, when the venues are open.
The following needs to be given strict attention:
- Wearing of masks;
- Screening of players when arriving at a venue;
- Maintaining of records;
- Sanitising of players;
- No gatherings – unfortunately tournaments need to continue to operate without spectators. We are aware that recent tournaments parents / coaches have been gathering in parking areas and paring on the side of the road to try and watch matches. Unfortunately, while we appreciate everyone’s “COVID-19 fatigue” we need to ensure players are dropped off and picked up after their match. We cannot afford to have vehicles in parking areas, thereby creating the perception that tennis is allowing “gatherings”.
Your understanding and support is appreciated, as we continue to try and ensure that tennis remains open as much as possible, whilst adhering to the national government’s COVID-19 regulations.
For further questions and queries, please contact us at [email protected].
Photo caption: Tennis ball on court wearing a mask. Image: Supplied
With editing by gsport