Last-Minute Cycle Training Tips

For a Ride with a Smile, Pedal Power Association’s David Bellairs recommends a focus on preparation for the Coronation Double Century.

For a Ride with a Smile, Pedal Power Association’s David Bellairs recommends a focus on preparation for the Coronation Double Century.

Approximately 2,000 cyclists from around the country will descend upon the Overberg town of Swellendam for the Coronation Double Century on Saturday, 24 November. 

This means that, instead of increasing their training efforts over the next few weeks, cycling teams should now refine their existing training regime and focus on endurance and teamwork.

David Bellairs, executive committee member of the Pedal Power Association and Andrew Mclean of Cycle Lab are both seasoned Double Century veterans and share their last-minute tips:

Training & skill

· Endurance is key: A race like the Double Century requires endurance and your training thus far should have been focused on long rides at 65% of your maximum heart rate. A practical way to maintain this level of training is to participate in a long distance fun ride, regroup at the finish and then go on another easy two-hour ride. To the uninitiated, 65% of your maximum heart rate means riding at a pace which allows you to hold a conversation with your team mates.

· On-bike skill: Practice eating and drinking while riding in a bunch. Find out what works for you and what will allow you to eat and drink safely and comfortably.

· Know your bike: Train with the bicycle you are going to ride on the day. Don’t use an untested bicycle or any new equipment – especially a new saddle – on race day.

· Know your team: Sufficient practice rides with your team cannot be underestimated. Get to know each team member’s style and reach consensus on pacing procedure, rest stops and what to do when a team member has mechanical trouble.

· Spin: Try to ride in a light gear which will allow you to cover a long distance at a steady pace without placing too much strain on your knees.

· TITS: Time In The Saddle is vital for a race like this. Try to spend around five hours in the saddle on a training ride. Try to clock up 200km per weekend, including a ride of between 130km and 160km.

· Head for the hills: You will encounter most of the hills within the first 60km of the race. Include hills in your training rides to prepare you for the challenge.

· Learn to relax: To ensure a comfortable ride, practice relaxing your shoulder, neck and back muscles and learn how your posture on the bike affects these muscles. Remember that something as simple as a death grip on your handlebars will result in a stiff neck and shoulders, so RELAX!

· Rest: You may feel like cramming in a few extra km’s during the two weeks preceding the Double Century. Don’t. Rest and conserve your energy for race day.



· Eat well, train well: Pack enough food to keep your energy levels up during training rides. Ideally, pack the kind of food you will eat on Race Day.

· Hydrate, but don’t over-hydrate: A good rule of thumb is to drink 500ml to 750ml for every hour you are on your bicycle depending on the weather. Don’t only rely on energy drinks or water. A carbohydrate / electrolyte is a good mix, and it is important to train on the same mix to get your body used to drinking under the same conditions as event day.

· Carbo-load: In the week preceding race day, eat plenty of pasta, potatoes and rice and make sure you stay hydrated by drinking sufficient water.


Last chance to carbo-load

Have you booked for the Coronation Potjie Party yet? This final carbo-loading opportunity takes place at Swellendam Primary School on Friday, 23 November and will include a traditional pasta buffet as well as the town’s famous Lasagna Potjie. Space is limited to 300 cyclists and supporters, so visit the Pedal Power website to book your seat!


Not sure where to stay?

Swellendam and the surrounding area will be jam-packed with cyclists and their supporters. If you have left your accommodation booking too late, there is good news: Camping facilities (with showers) are available on the Swellendam Show Grounds in Station Street at a very affordable R40 per person. Call Marlize Gericke on 082 925 2560 to book your campsite.

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