Rutendo Nyahora Wins Pretoria SPAR 10km

Phalula twins, Lebo and Lebogang finish the podium of the 2015 Pretoria SPAR Women’s Challenge 10km race in Centurion, won by Zimbabwe’s Rutendo Nyahora

Phalula Eager for Grand Prix Drive Away

Grand Prix leader and barefoot runner Diana-Lebo Phalula is keen to get past an injury for a good result in the SPAR Women’s 10km Challenge series concluder in Johannesburg

Diana-Lebo Has One Hand on Grand Prix Prize

A commanding 27 points has Diana-Lebo Phalula well-placed with one hand on the key to the 2014 SPAR Grand Prix winner’s prize, but the bets are on for plenty strong finishes in the series’ final two races, in Pretoria this weekend, and in Johannesburg on 12 October

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